1. The first is :*#7353*#.
    Use this code to open the Quick Test menu that allows you to test different options of your device.

    Hidden Menu Samsung

  2. The second is :*#0*#.
    Use this code to enter the General Test Mode where you can test camera, touch and others.

    General Test Mode Samsung

  3. The third is:  *#61#
    This code allows you to check your call forwarding.

    call forwarding Samsung

  4. The fourth is:  *#06#
    This code allows you to check your iMei.

    check your Imei Samsung

  5. The fifth is: *#9900#
    Use this code to reveal the System Hidden Option that allows you to fix insufficient storage error.

    Google play service J7 Sky Pro


  • 9146
  • 15.06.2020

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